Design Bulletin

Design Bulletin

Design Bulletin featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



'Coincidence Supermarket' is turning the virtual world of online dating into the reality in order to affect real life interpersonal alienation, leading to people achieving face-to-face communication in their real lives. Coincidence Supermarket offers an interesting dating space where you can buy what you need, just like you can in a supermarket, and have the opportunity to make new friends if you are lucky.

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Mountains as well as waters

Sculpturer’s autobiographical album of painting collected his sculpture works and also recorded his artistic development. The keynote of the book is succinct composition and elegant color, which can build moderate and natural narrative. In the publication design, complicated designing signs were abandoned, controlling the space between words, arrangement of pictures directly, using white space to control the speed of reading…showing the author’s sculpture works and art experience. Readers can feel author’s true feeling from the pages when reading.

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The concept behind the STEALER brand naming is visualized in the pattern and font used in the brand logo and typography, with segments of the alphabet letters cropped away. For the main and sub-colors of the brand, grey, the original color of metals, and blue have been chosen respectively. Through applying the two colors and other graphic elements onto the products, packaging, shop interior and more, Stealer seeks to establish brand identity in a consistent manner.

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We created the logo combining first letters of the brand name. In this logo characters C and F make a form of a layer cake. Furthermore, arrangement of the sign and the brand name in three lines also symbolize cakes topping. This idea was implemented into the package design. Olive pit pattern is covered with transparent lacquer to give the surface finish. The logotype is pressed with golden foil.

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N&E Audio

During the process of re-design N&E logo, N, E represents the name of founders Nelson and Edison. So, she integrated the characters of N, E and sound waveform to create a new logo. Handcrafted HiFi is a unique and professional services provider in Hong Kong. She expected to present a High-end professional brand and create a highly relevant to the industry. She hopes that people can understand what the logo meant when they look at it. Cloris said that the challenge of creating the logo is how to make it easier to recognize the characters of N and E without using too sophisticated graphics.

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B-U is an awareness campaign composed by logo, posters, mail-outs, banner, and website. Created by Yu Feng, the concept is to encourage people to follow their own style by empowering individualities. The project utilizes a system based on remixing and collaging pieces together, referencing what is unique about each one of us. For example on the B-U logo the U will change randomly between 5 different 'U'. On the booklet, the design lets people create their own version of the U by flipping pages, etc. Yu approaches a modern design which unites to one concept - Your Personality, Your Style.

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