Design Bulletin

Design Bulletin

Design Bulletin featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Have Salon Brand Identity

The design of our logo can explain our initial idea that we want to make the quests from different field can enjoy both the service and the environment. Therefore, we use the concept of 3D space and hide “solid geometry” and “time” inside the arrow. It stands for both the multi-functions within limited space and a feeling of 3D in the line of time. “Have” uses a bidirectional arrow as its logo. It represents “outstanding, advanced and leading”. The lines of the logo gather in the middle and expand to different directions can fully show the feature of the brand.

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Ephemeral Eternal

Eternity can be waiting to be discovered in an ephemeral moment. This show is about that Poetic Discovery. Seventeen oversized posters of Typography, Photography, and Illustrations bring the viewers through such a story regarding a lost bottle cap on a quiet snowy night. The installation was designed as an immersive experience, letting the story surround the viewers. Then each poster is designed as a treasure hunt itself, with a small design element hidden within its expanse, also just waiting to be discovered.

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Vanishing Crafts

Vanishing Crafts is designed to promote the awareness of traditional crafts. It was conceived to serve as a memory project of Singapore, sharing stories of the last remaining artisans. Readers are invited to partake as co-creators. The pages are designed with lots of blank space for their curatorial input, their memory records and photographs of any traditional artisan and vanishing trade from around the world. In order for this valuable history to pass down for generations to come, a children’s storybook is included to introduce this heritage to the younger generations.

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Design is

Design is…, project started with an exhibition during São Paulo Design Week 2016, the largest design festival in Latin America. A limited, numbered edition of the book with the same title was created in celebration of the fifth anniversary of the festival and officially released last November. Two hundred creators and creatures from the universe of Brazilian design, including curators, critics, journalists, entrepreneurs, executives, entity leaders, cultural agitators and, of course, designers, coined their own definition of what design is or can be, a very rich collection of ideas.

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My relative, Petofi

The book is about the living descendants of the great Hungarian poet, Sandor Petofi. It documents the vast amount of research the author did, ranging from interviews, archive photographs to detailed family trees. The book is divided between two families(the poet's mother's and father's branch). These are marked in the middle of the spreads with the page numbers. Each chapter starts with a fictional writing of the poet, as if he was commenting on his descendants. To show the relationships, family trees were drawn and placed on fold-out pages.

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Adria Airways

Adria is small and cozy aircompany with they's traditions and symbols. Despite of size, Adria represents whole nation — Slovenia. Main symbol of both — Slovenia and Adria, leaf of the linden, have been in project of corporate identification. New logo combines few images: the leaf of linden, an aircraft, an arrow and beautiful color. Primary color is specific in creation of identity, it is a symbol of reflection of the sky in Adriatic sea.

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