Design Bulletin

Design Bulletin

Design Bulletin featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


calendar 2013 “Rocking Chair”

The Rocking Chair is a freestanding desktop calendar in the shape of a miniature chair. Follow the guide to assemble a rocking chair that rocks back and forth just like a real one. Display the current month on the chair back, and next month on the seat. Life with Design: Quality designs have the power to modify space and transform the minds of its users. They offer comfort of seeing, holding and using. They are imbued with lightness and an element of surprise, enriching space. Our original products are designed using the concept of “Life with Design”.

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calendar 2013 “Farm”

The Farm is a kitset paper animal calendar. Fully assembled it makes a delightful miniature farm complete with six different animals. Life with Design: Quality designs have the power to modify space and transform the minds of its users. They offer comfort of seeing, holding and using. They are imbued with lightness and an element of surprise, enriching space. Our original products are designed using the concept of “Life with Design”.

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2015 Creative Cloud Release: Kumano Kodo

Adobe asked Takehiro to create a piece of work inspired by the Kumano-Kodo Trail in Japan. Adobe Creative Cloud Release was traveling to some of the world's hidden locations and artists creating an artwork in the location. He captured inspiring elements from the temple, the forests, waterfalls, food and even the smell, and blended these elements using Adobe Creative Cloud. The result was a 2.7 x 2.7m light box which was exhibited on the trail.

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One Day in Paradise

"One Day in Paradise. Creative Individuality Amongst the Crowd." was created as final assignment for the BA degree program Information Design at FH Joanneum in Graz, Austria. It highlights the difficulties young designers have to face when establishing themselves in the creative field, especially while starting out. It covers topics such as taste, style and individuality as well as imitation, inspiration and identity. It features extensive interviews with industry professionals about the researched topics as well as fun and engaging illustrations and infographics.

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Inspired by the traditional bamboo steamer, we have created a circular box with a contemporary touch – upon lifting the lid of the box, an array of 12 customized crystal magnets capture one’s attention as they sit in a circular fashion on the top tier, with a die-cut in the center revealing the title of the notebook beneath. Matching infographics provides detailed introduction and pronunciation of each of the 12 “Bao” (which means “Buns” in Mandarin) in the notebook enclosed, whereas dotted pages encourage self-documentation.

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40 Kreattiv Covers

The scope of the project was to inject a cultural related theme into the designs. Andrew Carter, the designer, produced a look of action to express contemporary art through the motion of the logo. The different arrangements of the logo creates a sense of motion that cause the eye to move over the work. What inspired the artist was a reading about a technique which captures movement in several frames. Andrew also took inconsideration that the rate of new typefaces being produced nowadays is simply staggering, so a detailed research had to be done.

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