Design Bulletin

Design Bulletin

Design Bulletin featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


E-commerce Backstage

1. Backstage Product: it is aimed at the traditional monotonous back-end products; 2. Emotional design: it added a story of hand-drawn illustrations in the traditional background user interfaces; 3. Scenario design: Design starts with a user role describing its ideal experience through a story. It describes a realistic user scenario.

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Fincap Law LLP

Fincap Law LLP is a law firm that utilizes automation as part of its service provision. This project aims to update their former conventional branded-logo into a stylized-contemporary theme. An attempt to provide a benchmark design for the legal & financial sector has also been made. The distinguishing factors of the project are informed and driven by the firm’s core values, these are continuous improvement, legal protection, and lastly networking, which have been meticulously infused into the design.

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Tadao Ando

The monograph is made in close collaboration with Tadao Ando Architect and Associates. The design is inspired by Ando's poetics. Covers of the book are based on his landmark signature – concrete with visible traces of formwork – the recorded process of genesis that becomes a shaping quality and reflects Ando’s spirit by a minimalistic and purified form. Use of tracing paper at the beginning of each chapter gives an impression of airiness and play of light and shadow, which evoke the gradual sensory adaptation provided by the design of the architect.

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Marina Pufleanu

In 2018 Enhance was contracted by Romanian Fashion Designer Marina Pufleanu to participate in the complete brand development of her new tailored-made women fashion brand. The goal of the identity development process was to place the brand in the high-end segment by imprinting a premium look and feel adapted to the contemporary trends in fashion. Finding inspiration in French Fashion Boutiques and in the portfolio of famous photographer Norman Parkinson, the Enhance team successfully developed and imprinted a design direction based on the fusion between modern and traditional.

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Reading Goethes Faust

This modular book is a typographical redesign of Goethes Faust amid the change of reading behavior in the digital age. The approach has been to visualize different reading methods in the process of time and bringing them all together in one literary work, without changing the wording or adding images, with the aim to facilitate the access to its content. Knowing that most information is retrieved in a quick way nowadays, in the form of emails or WhatsApp messages, the question arises if the change of this reading behavior might be a blessing or a curse for the mankind’s intellectual evolution.

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Jungle Society

Jungle Society was built on a foundation of female empowerment and diversity. This is visually translated into an extroverted and colorful brand identity. A base of cobalt blue and gold is combined with 4 poppy colors based on tropical flowers and fruits, aiming for an accurate mix of Jungle and Society. All items are mixed randomly creating a set of combinations as diverse as the women they're made for. All packaging and print materials are produced with high quality materials & finishings.

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