Design Bulletin

Design Bulletin

Design Bulletin featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Diplomatic Relations

The logo design showcases the flags of Lithuania and Germany, conveyed through the symbol of check marks. The red check marks are combined, representing friendship and unity between the two countries. The overall design reflects the moment when two countries diplomatically unite, moving forward together into the future. The colorful marks are multifaceted, expressing the dynamic and tight relationship between Lithuania and Germany.

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R Gate Emblem

Riiid is the AI Ed technology company that believes education should help to discover and unleash the limitless potential of humankind. Every kid and parent believes in their potential at first but loses this belief as they enter the current education system where diversity and individual differences are not fully embraced. New corporate identity visualized the brand's "R" into a keyhole and a portal to represent Riiid is opening up a rusty old mindset and invites everyone to make their own breakthrough to remind of the belief: you are better than you think you are.

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Pupstar is a positioning technology company. The new brand design presents the relationship between pet and positioning by using simple, joyful iconic graphics, but sharply contrasting visual tones to catch people's attention in a dynamic way. The fresh and pop colors convey technical support from products and passionate visual language to call out the issue of losing their pets by no tech protection. The consistent visual system works through all digital platforms to better support and represents all Pupstar's products on market.

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Meet Rebrand

Meet is a Korean barbecue restaurant targeting young people. Client’s assignment for Mengchao, Hao and Sijia is to create an art direction and visual identity to express the vivid brand image and promote the various meats. The shapes of meats on the grill naturally present geometries. This idea leads them to the milestone of the concept, connecting different meats, seafood and vegetables with specified geometries. Various shape combinations and patterns give the geometries a playful and hot final touch.

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Dorina Nowill

The annual report Dorina Nowill is a publication that presents annual results of the foundation's performance, essential for the maintenance of its funders, which allow it to assist blind or with low vision people free of charge. The graphic project developed by Laika sought to bring the reality of the blind to the experience of reading the book, exploring the tactile sensation, as a relief in the printing of the cover, and the points printed in Braille, presenting the reader with aspects of the daily life of blind or with low vision people through Braille reading resources.

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Beyond the Blue

It is a feature of this book to introduce various looks of the sea through the distinguishing colors of each chapter. For example, the green color chip symbolizes a healthy sea forest, while the red color chip shows dark side of a sea filled with whale blood. Like this, the color chips introduced in each chapter are used to express the bright and dark side of the sea symbolically. This book was printed on soybean oil ink with low environmental pollution on 100g matte paper and thread bound to reduce bond usage.

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Amazing design. Good design. Best design.

Good designs create value for society. Everyday we feature a special design project that demonstrates excellence in design. Today, we are pleased to showcase an award-winning design that makes a positive difference. We will be featuring more great and inspiring designs daily. Make sure to visit us everyday to enjoy new good design products and projects from greatest designers worldwide.

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