Design Bulletin

Design Bulletin

Design Bulletin featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


HEU 70th Anniversary

This design successfully showcases the 70 year development history of the school. Through data study and campus research, it innovatively employs the method of using totems to express the storyline of the narrative. It integrates elements of the school's historical culture and scientific research technology. The images are simplified into symbols and reorganized to convey the message. Combined with wavy lines, it forms a solemn 70 logo, enhancing readability in the design communication. It presents the school's unique charm and outstanding achievements to the world.

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Printmaking Tibet

The work is a set of illustrations depicting Tibetan culture, using computer painting and printmaking to express the creativity of excellent national culture and create the beautiful, remote and pious characteristics of Tibet. The combination of traditional culture and modern art aesthetics gives spiritual connotation to the pilgrimage road of Tibet in a new era, aiming to further promote and develop the colorful national culture through design. The contents of the work include: Potala Palace, yak, nine-colored bird, blue lotus, etc.

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Xuannao Master Cha

Introducing Xuannao Oriental Daqi Tea enticing Chinese consumers with sparkling tea. Drawing inspiration from Chinese Qigong and the cherished panda, the logo grounds the brand in local culture, bridging any cultural gaps and visually blending tea with bubbles. Chinese virtues like courage, magnanimity, and confidence are metaphorically mirrored in the bubbles of sparkling drinks, encapsulated as Daqi, signifying generosity and inclusivity. Thus, a sparkling tea tailored to the eastern taste buds emerges. In the east, perhaps, sparkling water could be known as Daqi Tea.

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Cosmos Datong

The design team combed through the historical lineage of the ancient city of Datong, and through four sets of thematic illustrations showed the historical features of the city in different periods, which were eventually applied to the product packaging design and derivative materials. The combination of local folk style illustrations and oriental aesthetics of new Chinese style, blended with the traditional color palette of Shanxi shadow art, creates a strong impression of Datong.

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Gongche Sketch Book

Through innovative design, Gongche Sketch Book facilitates a profound understanding of the charm of Gongche notation among people from different cultures, languages, and eras. It serves as a cultural conduit, connecting the past with the present, allowing the enchanting resonance of Gongche to spread globally. Gongche Sketch Book’s unique paper tape mechanism breathes life into the Gongche characters, creating a three-dimensional and dynamic representation. This ingenious design not only pays homage to tradition but also provides music enthusiasts with a multisensory feast.

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Rimac Magazine Issue 03

Rimac Magazine issue 03 is all about celebrating the incredible Nevera Time Attack edition, which set an impressive 27 world performance and acceleration records in just one year. To celebrate the success, designers used "Lightning Green" and black colors, as seen on the special edition, throughout the Rimac Magazine Issue 03, building a dynamic, striking, and occasionally unconventional layout designed to stun and captivate the readers.

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